Qi Gong for Anxiety



Anxiety is a natural reaction to the stress of modern life. Our attention and energy is often scattered and pulled in lots of different directions. Qi Gong is a time-honored moving meditation practice that helps you to turn inward, cultivate peace, equanimity, centeredness and balance, where the body is relaxed and the mind is at peace.

(filmed in Nisene Marks State Park, California)

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Flow is a term used in Qi Gong when we feel at peace and relaxed within. Through the practice of Qi Gong, you can discover the flow for yourself.

This routine is designed to give a you a mini-vacation from all the things in life that pull you off your center. With continued practice, you’ll find yourself more relaxed, more resourceful, feeling lighter, and able to go with the flow

The opposite of flow is stress and anxiety. If you are feeling anxiety in your life, you aren’t alone. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting 40 million adults.

I wanted to give you a quick and easy solution to anxiety that comes from the inside out. This solution is Qi Gong, the art of effortless power.


  • Simple breathing exercises for clearing anxiety
  • Gentle stretches to clear tightness and stress
  • Flowing movements to balance the nervous system
  • Moving meditation for transforming anxiety into inner peace

There’s a saying in Qi Gong, “Let your mind be clear like a mountain lake, reflective, free and open.” This routine will help you find that equanimity, where the body is relaxed and the mind at peace.

Full Routine: 35:16 mins
Short Routine: 18:13 mins
These programs are available as both streaming and downloadable videos.

Executive Producer: Lee Holden, Ben Cox
Producer: Ben Cox
Director: Todd Villegas
Editor: Nick Loffree, Todd Villegas
Videography: Nick Loffree, Francis Battaglia, Todd Villegas
Cover Design: Angela Stucky, Megan Melack
Music: Dean Evenson
Cover Photography: Francis Battaglia

Tip: Consult your health care professional before using this wellness program.
The instruction presented herein is not intended to be a substitute for medical counseling.