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Self-Paced Online Qi Gong Teacher Certification Program

Become A Certified Holden Qi Gong Teacher In As Little As 6 Months

In Holden QiGong’s Tier 1 Online Teacher Certification Program, you will learn how to teach QiGong at your own pace through a combination of:


Lifetime access to 16 weeks of self-paced course materials (over 70 hours of instruction)


Lifetime access to two monthly masterclasses with expert instructors


Lifetime access to one live Q&A call with Lee Holden a month


Lifetime access to the “Masterclass Library” with over 100 Masterclasses on topics ranging from business to unique Qi Gong forms


A private, practitioner-only online community


Two private sessions with senior Holden QiGong instructors


And the Holden QiGong Teacher Training manual (in PDF format)


The training contains lifetime access to the content from two of our most powerful immersion programs, The Five Elements and Three Treasures – in an easy-to-follow, digestible online format, as well as our Teacher Training Curriculum.

Each month, we bring in various experts within the holistic healthcare community to offer ongoing learning. Even after you receive your certification, you can continue to attend these calls. Some past topics have included: How to Fill Your Classes and Start Earning Money, Advanced Breathing Techniques, and Movement Mechanics: Forward, Backward & Lateral Spinal Movement.

Here’s What We’ll Cover In The 16-Week, Self-Paced Curriculum:

Week 1: Learn How to Experience Energy, Vitality, and Life-Force from the Inside Out

The program begins from the only place possible: exactly where you are. You will start with a Zen practice of self-discovery – an experiential practice of energy, vitality, and life-force from the inside out.

In Week 1 you will:

  • Get introduced to Qi Gong

  • Learn about the Five Elements (the foundation of Traditional Chinese Medicine)
  • Discover simple Chinese Medicine Theory
  • Learn a Qi Gong routine to warm up the body
  • Learn the “fundamentals of flow”
  • Discover the bio-mechanics and bio-energetics of Qi Gong practice from an Eastern and Western perspective
  • Answer the question, “What is Qi?” for yourself through an experiential journey of self-discovery

Additional Study Materials Included in Week 1:

Week 2: Discover Qi and Learn How to Use Your Breath as a Spiritual Practice

In Week 2 we will dive into the many different kinds of Qi.

In Week 2 you will:

  • Learn how the breath is a reflection of Qi
  • Learn how to use your breath as a potent healing elixir for the body
  • Learn how to use the breath as a tool of transformation – to transform stress into vitality
  • Learn how to use your breath as a spiritual practice of self-awakening: discover why breath is essential to all meditation practices
  • Discover how Qi Gong practice – and the breath – helps detoxify your mind, body, and emotions
  • Learn your first “Five Element Qi Gong Workout”

Additional Study Materials Included in Week 2:

  • Better Breathing Qi Gong Routine
  • Qi Gong for Health & Healing Workbook
  • The 5 Elemental Energies
  • The Metal Element (Audio)
  • The Water Element (Audio)
  • The Wood Element (Audio)
  • The Fire Element (Audio)
  • The Earth Element (Audio)

Week 3: Unearth the Five Elements & Learn a Qi Gong Sequence to Relieve Joint Tension & Pain

In Week 3 we’ll dive deep into the elements themselves. Lee will focus specifically on each element, and how they interact with each other as a system.

In Week 3 you will:

  • Learn how to transform depression into courage with Metal (Metal is also about breath and energy)
  • Learn how to transform fear into inner peace with Water (Water is also about relaxation and flow)
  • Learn how to transform stress into creativity with Wood (Wood is also about strength and flexibility)
  • Learn how to transform anxiety into love with Fire (Fire is also about compassion and enjoyment of life)
  • Learn how to transform worry into inner balance with Earth (Earth is also about centering and balance)
  • Learn a Qi Gong sequence to open all the joints in the body
  • Deepen your Qi Gong practice by adding in standing postures for each element (so you can heighten its energy in your system)

Additional Study Materials Included in Week 3:

  • Qi Gong Flow for Beginners

Week 4: Learn the Principles of Qi Gong Practice

In Week 4 you will deepen your understanding of breathing exercises, and how to use them for personal transformation. You’ll learn a second 5 Element Flow Routine, and the principles of Qi Gong practice.

In Week 4 you will:

  • Discover the Principles of Practice: Warm Up, Activate, Stretch, Flow, and Posture
  • Deepen your knowledge of breathing exercises for transformation
  • Learn how to use healing sounds to transform stress into vitality
  • Deepen your relationship to Qi through a guided “deep dive” meditation with Lee
  • Discover exactly how much energy you truly have (and how to boost your energy)
  • Learn how to use your mind to direct Qi
  • Discover how to pair psychology and Qi as a real method for feeling better

Additional Study Materials Included in Week 4:

  • Teaching Demonstration – First Five Elements Flow

Week 5: Learn How to Become Your Own Best Healer

In Week 5 we will dive into the difference between Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine. You will learn how to become your own best healer.

In Week 5 you will:

  • Learn Zen the meditation practice
  • Discover the Five Branches of Chinese Medicine (and how to apply them into your life and your practice)
  • Learn the differences between Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine
  • How to use meditation to reverse aging
  • Discover the 6 “Principles of Practice” – Clear, Clean, Purge, Strengthen, Bring In, Tonify – and how to use them for maximum benefit
  • Deepen your breath practice as a method of transformation

Additional Study Materials Included in Week 5:

Week 6: Learn How to Use the “Qi of Your Mind” & the Three Styles of Qi Gong: Martial, Medical, and Spiritual

In Week 6 we will explore structure and flow – how you cannot have one without the other. You’ll learn Qi Gong flows for each of the five elements: Water, Fire, Air, Wood, and Metal.

In Week 6 you will:

  • Explore structure and flow within your Qi Gong practice
  • Learn the “Postures of Power” practice to strengthen specific healthy-boosting energies
  • Discover the three styles of Qi Gong: Martial, Medical, and Spiritual – and the differences between them
  • Discover what the “Qi of the Mind” is, and how to use it
  • Discover the “Qi of Form and the Formless”
  • Learn a meditation on the Five Elements to harness their power – and build a personal connection with each of them

Additional Study Materials Included in Week 6:

  • The Healing Sounds – Introduction (excerpted from Qi Gong for Health and Healing)
  • The Healing Sounds – Standing Practice
  • The Healing Sounds – Sitting Practice

Week 7: Discover How to Do Energy Work & Stay Connected to the Energy of Life

In Week 7 you’ll learn about the connection between your emotions and Qi. We’ll explore energy work, and how to use energy work to “compost” the negative energies into positive energies.

In Week 7 you will:

  • Discover the connection between your emotions and Qi – and learn how to stay connected to the energy of life
  • Explore “positive” and “negative” emotions
  • Learn Energy Work – discover how to compost your negative energies into positive energies, prune the weeds, and cultivate the flowers of your life
  • Deepen your understanding of 5 Element practice with experiential teachings
  • Discover how to harmonize the Five Elements and your Internal Organs with a specific meditation

Additional Study Materials Included in Week 7:

  • Teaching Demonstration – Second Five Elements Flow

Week 8: Learn “Who You Are” Through the Lens of the Five Elements & Explore the Practical Application of the Tao Te Ching

In Week 8 you’ll learn about the Tao Te Ching. We’ll explore “protective” Qi – and how to not take on the negative energies of other people.

In Week 8 you will:

  • Explore the Tao Te Ching (and how to apply it into your life)
  • Learn how to protect yourself from taking on the stress of other people using “protective” Qi
  • Learn about “who you are” through the lens of the 5 Elements – there are 5 different archetypes corresponding to each element, you’ll learn which element you are, and how to “diagnose” other people
  • Explore 5 Element Psychology (and learn how to apply it into your practice)
  • Deepen your understanding of 5 Element Flows and Postures
  • Learn how Qi flows through your meridians and organs (and how your whole system interacts with each individual part)

Additional Study Materials Included in Week 8:

  • Five Element Personality Quiz
  • Teaching Demonstration – Bonus Five Elements Flow

Week 9: Activate Your Lower Tan Tien and Learn the Taoist Approach to Self-Discovery

In Week 9 we’ll learn all about the Three Treasures. You’ll discover “three inquiries” to deepen your Zen meditation practice.

In Week 9 you will:

  • Discover what the Three Treasures are, and how to use them for health and healing
  • Learn a Qi Gong practice to amplify the energy of the three treasures
  • Learn how to increase the energy of your lower Tan Tien – your reservoir of energy
  • Learn a meditation for the lower Tan Tien
  • Finally answer the age-old question, “Who am I?” through the Taoist approach to self-discovery

Additional Study Materials Included in Week 9:

  • Three Treasures Section of the Qi Gong for Health and Healing Workbook

Week 10: Learn How to Let Go of Expectations, Manifest Anything You Want With Qi, and Diagnose Energy Deficiencies

In Week 10 we’ll continue to dive into the Three Treasures. You’ll learn how to relax into the unknown and let go of expectations.

In Week 10 you will:

  • Discover Taoist Cosmology – how the universe – and the world as we perceive it to be – came into existence
  • Learn how to relax into the unknown – how to let go of expectations for a greater sense of inner peace and “going with the flow”
  • Discover how everything truly is relative (based on your experience and your perspective)
  • How to harness your experiences to create true wisdom (and how experiencing Qi leads to heightened skill of working with energy of all kinds)
  • Discover the dynamics of manifesting whatever you want – Qi is the fuel in the tank and your intention is the map to get there
  • Learn how Qi is the organizing power behind your mind, body, and spirit
  • Discover how to put the three treasures into action through your power, passion, and purpose
  • Learn how to diagnose deficiencies and excesses of energy in each of the Three Treasures (within yourself and your soon-to-be new students!)
  • Learn a “Who am I?” meditation

Additional Study Materials Included in Week 10:

  • Three Treasures audio lectures
  • Teaching Demonstration – Three Treasures Flow Class

Week 11: Discover How to Transform Negative Energy into Positive Energy, Learn the Microcosmic Orbit, and Explore Yin & Yang

In Week 11 you will learn all about the Microcosmic orbit and begin your exploration of the energies of Yin & Yang. You’ll learn a Qi Gong practice specifically for the Microcosmic Orbit.

In Week 11 you will:

  • Get introduced to the Microcosmic Orbit (and how to use it to build personal power and energy)
  • Discover how you are a holographic reflection of the Universe
  • Explore the potent energies of Yin & Yang
  • Learn how to use the Microcosmic Orbit to transform negative energies into positive energies naturally
  • Learn a Qi Gong practice and meditation practice on the Microcosmic Orbit to cultivate your energy

Additional Study Materials Included in Week 11:

  • Teaching Demonstration – Three Treasures Flow Class

Week 12: Learn How to Use Sexual Energy for Health, Happiness, Intimacy, & Spirituality and Open Your “Heart of Compassion”

In Week 12 we will learn how to work with sexual energy using the Microcosmic Orbit. You will learn how to create more potent intimate encounters with your loved ones using the Microcosmic Orbit.

In Week 12 you will:

  • Learn how to elevate your emotions, exalt your spirit, connect your consciousness and energy together, and create an ecstatic experience of life using taoist practice
  • Discover the essence of Jing Qi – the source of your sexual energy – how best to work with it, and why you have a limited amount
  • Learn a Microcosmic Orbit practice so you can “run” your sexual energy and create more potent sexual encounters with your loved ones
  • Learn Jing Qi boosting Qi Gong exercises and routines
  • Learn a meditation to transform your sexual energy into Qi and Shen energy
  • Experience more compassion as you learn the “Opening the Heart of Compassion” exercise

Week 13: Learn How to Relax and Flow in the Face of Stress and Explore the Polarities of the Universe: Yin & Yang

In Week 13 we will delve into the “Truth of the Universe.” You will learn a Qi Gong routine to put the concept of Yin & Yang directly into practice.

In Week 13 you will:

  • Learn how to perceive the “Truth of the Universe” for yourself, through your own experience
  • Learn how to relax and flow while experiencing stress
  • Explore the essential qualities of the two polarities of the Universe: Yin & Yang (and how they each relate to you and your Qi Gong practice)
  • Learn a Qi Gong practice with specific exercises correlating to the Yin & Yang energies, so you can develop your own relationship with each essential energy
  • Explore the form (the body) and formless (the mind) dynamics of Qi and learn techniques to harmonize them with each other
  • Dive deeper into Chinese Medicine Theory by exploring Yin & Yang through the microcosmic orbit and the meridians

Additional Study Materials Included in Week 13:

  • Microcosmic Orbit audio lectures

Week 14: Discover How to Use Sexual Energy as Medicine and the Taoist Purpose of Life

In Week 14 we will focus on cultivating your internal energy so you can create a state of flow in your everyday life. You will learn Taoist techniques to expand your perception and learn to use sexual energy as medicine.

In Week 14 you will:

  • Learn the 5 Principles of Qi: to clear, tonify, circulate, transform, and store
  • Learn a new Qi Gong practice and meditation to expand the Microcosmic Orbit
  • Discover the Taoist perspective on the purpose of life and learn how to cultivate heavenly energy into your everyday life
  • Learn how to cultivate your internal energy to create more ecstatic experiences in your life (including how to take your practice “off the mat” and achieve a state of flow in your entire life)
  • Learn specific Taoist techniques to expand your perception of reality
  • Discover how to heal through pleasure using Taoist techniques for transforming Jing (sexual energy) into Qi

Additional Study Materials Included in Week 14:

  • Microcosmic Orbit Introduction
  • Microcosmic Orbit Standing Practice
  • Microcosmic Orbit Sitting Practice

Week 15: Discover How to Heighten Self-Awareness & Mindfulness Using Qi Gong and Learn Standing “Postures of Power”

In Week 15 you will explore the facets of your mind. You will learn how to cultivate and deepen your self-awareness through meditation and Qi Gong practice.

In Week 15 you will:

  • Learn the answer to the question, “What is the energy of the mind?”
  • Explore attention, intention, and awareness – the three facets of the mind
  • Learn a “Wheel of Awareness” meditation to increase your self-awareness
  • Learn how to put your mindfulness into practice using Qi Gong
  • Learn specific healing sounds for the Three Treasures to heal each of your Three Treasures
  • Learn an Intention Meditation to use with the Three Treasures
  • Learn Qi Gong flows, routines, and exercises for the Three Treasures – learn how to connect to heaven, earth, and nature through your practice
  • Learn key standing postures to cultivate energy in each of the Three Treasures

Week 16: Learn How to Apply the Three Treasures into Everyday Life & Discover the Macro-Cosmic Orbit

In Week 16 we will explore how to apply the Three Treasures into your everyday experience of life. You’ll also learn how to use the less-mentioned “Macrocosmic Orbit.”

In Week 16 you will:

  • Learn how to apply the Three Treasures directly into your everyday life
  • Review the Microcosmic Orbit practices, meditations, and exercises
  • Discover how to connect the meridians to the energy of life through the Macrocosmic Orbit
  • Review Jing, Qi, and Shen energies
  • Put it all together with your Qi Gong practice – in prep for learning how to teach others

Additional Study Materials Included in Week 16:

  • Qi Gong: Deeper Flow

“I like what Lee has put together best of all the forms I’ve learned!”

“I love Lee’s style of QiGong and I have studied with a lot of hi level teachers over the years and have to say I like what Lee has put together best of all the forms I’ve learned!”

Peter C.

From the depth and accuracy of Lee’s teaching, I was oftimes complimented on the execution of Taijiquan or certain esoteric and difficult Qigong forms.

I began my Qigong study with Lee in the autumn of 2005 at Five Branches Institute. I completed the Qigong Instructor’s course with him and went on to study Buddha Palm and Six Healing sounds over the following years in workshops with him and GrandMaster Mantak Chia. I was in Hangzhou, People’s Republic of China in 2006-7 and worked out regularly in the parks with hundreds of people doing morning exercises. From the depth and accuracy of Lee’s teaching, I was oftimes complimented on the execution of Taijiquan or certain esoteric and difficult Qigong forms. My praises for Lee Holden have no ceiling. He is Master Holden.

Gene Ervin

Once You Are A “Certified Holden QiGong Teacher,” You Can…

Get paid to teach Qi Gong!

Specifically you can charge money for classes where you use the Holden QiGong name or methods (provided you teach the fundamentals – what you learn in this program).

You can also call yourself by your title, “Certified Holden QiGong Teacher,” in your teaching, verbally, in print or online (including your marketing materials).

Don’t have business experience? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

Two of our past masterclasses are all about how to launch, fill your classes, and start making money sharing the practice you love.

Each Month, You Get Access to Two Live Group Masterclasses with Expert Instructors and a Live Q&A Call With Lee

These masterclasses are taught by our senior Holden QiGong instructors or experienced holistic healthcare practitioners in our community.

The topics vary from how to fill your classes and start making money to movement dynamics to Qi Gong forms.

Here is a sample of past classes you receive immediate access to when you join the program:

  • How to Fill Your Classes and Start Earning Money
  • Flow: Tips and Tricks for Effortless Power
  • A Qi Gong Form (dance) for Depression
  • 5 Elements in Context:
  • Archeological Adventures in Cosmology
  • Rising Lotus Qi Gong
  • Seasonal Qigong Dances
  • Movement Mechanics: Forward, Backward & Lateral Spinal Movement
  • The Business of Qi Gong
  • Soft White Crane Qigong
  • Advanced Breathing Techniques
  • Movement Mechanics: Alignment, Rotation and Moving From Your Center
  • Teaching Strategies for the Teacher of Qigong
  • Foundations of Tai Chi
  • Body Posture & Alignment
  • Yin-Yang Medical Qi Gong Form “Yellow River Dancing”

All of the masterclasses are taught live, on Zoom video conference, and recorded.

Oh, did we mention? Even after you get your certification, you can continue your education with these calls.

That’s right, when you join the program, you get lifetime access to all aspects of the program… including the masterclass calls and live Q&A calls with Lee.

Help Others Improve Their Lives While You Deepen Your Understanding of Qi

We ask all our students, “If there was only one thing you could get out of the Teacher Training, what would that be?” 

These are some of the responses we received: 

  • I want to deepen my understanding and practice of Qi Gong.

  • I want the ability to help people feel their Qi and create better overall health.

  • I want an understanding of the practice, including why, what, and how it all works. I want to know how all the pieces interconnect and how to use them to skillfully manage energy and stress.

  • I want a deeper experience of the reality and control over Qi. A stronger sense of connection to the Universal energy field. 

  • I want to live the rest of my life pursuing wellness, compassion, and energy. 

  • I want to be more within my own body instead of constantly tuning into the external world.

  • I want to be helping others improve their lives.

Reading the list above, how would you answer? If there was only one thing you could get out of the Teacher Training, what would it be? 

Do you want to deepen your practice and understanding of Qi? Do you want to live your life helping others improve their own lives?

Whatever it is you want to get from the Teacher Training, whether you want to teach or not, we’re confident you’ll get it.

9 Reasons to Learn Qi Gong with Lee Holden

Can we be honest with you for a moment? 

There are a lot of other teacher training programs you could take… and we want you to do the one that fits you the best. If it’s ours, great! If it’s not, we know you’ll be in good hands. 

However, our students say they LOVE learning from Lee. Here’s why they decided to learn from Lee: 

I decided to learn from Lee because of his approach of principle-centered teaching, as opposed to learning one or two forms like many others. Knowing the principles makes you a better teacher in my opinion because you learn how Qi Gong works so you can eventually develop your own forms for yourself and others you are trying to help!!

He is knowledgeable, clear, and seems to translate esoteric eastern thinking in a way my western mind can get.

I prefer a plain-speaking, no heavy spiritual talk, and get-to-the-point type person with a well rounded personality.

Lee’s teachings are accessible, which made it comfortable for me to pursue.

I like Lee’s integrative approach to Qi Gong , and his masterful timing with the duration of the exercises.

I like the way Lee teaches QiGong in a kind of easy-going way.

I like how Lee approaches the practice of Qi Gong, his authenticity, knowledge, and presence.

I like Lee’s humor and relaxed and open style of teaching.

I’ve subscribed to Lee’s courses for a while and always hoped for a teacher training to open because I like to go deeper into things. Besides his proficiency, I have a good feeling about Lee. The words that come to mind are: humility, simplicity, humour, security, consistency, ease.

Where Do You Want to Be in a Year?

Everyone has a different reason for joining the Teacher Training program. 

Some people don’t even want to teach, they just want to deepen their practice. For others, it’s all about starting a new stream of income doing something they love. 

Joining the Teacher Training is a big commitment of time and resources. It’s no small decision. 

As a team, we’ve found that knowing where we want to be in a year helps us decide what actions to take right now. 

For example, some people that join the teacher training say they want to feel qualified to lead others in their discovery of Qi Gong and its healing possibilities. Others say they want to be sharing this knowledge with clients so it can help them move on and heal, or they want to volunteer their time. 

Some say they want to have deepened their personal practice, and then share and help others with a sense of confidence building throughout the training… and some say, “I want to do something meaningful. I want to find my path. It currently feels like I am stumbling through the woods.” 

So, where do you want to be a year from now? 

Take a moment to close your eyes and think about it. Visualize the feelings you have a year from now. What do you feel in your body? What thoughts are you having? What feelings do you have? 

As you decide whether or not to join the Teacher Training, use these as the “anchor.” Ask yourself, “Does joining the Teacher Training bring me closer to where I want to be in a year?”

When You Join the Program, You Receive Lifetime Access

That doesn’t just mean you can start your learning whenever you want… it means you can revisit any of the material after you get certified.

It also means you get lifetime access to ALL of our past masterclass calls AND all of the future ones.

Which means after you join the program, there is NO ongoing charge to continue your learning… even after you get certified.

So when you join, you get access to over 70 hours of video content, broken out into easy-to-digest chunks… as well as ALL of our past masterclass calls, ALL the future ones, and ALL the future Q&A calls with Lee, forever.

For example, say you receive your certification, you start teaching… and two years later you have a question. All you have to do is hop on the next Q&A call with Lee and ask him directly.

That’s it!

Now you’re probably wondering what it takes to get certified? Well…

Here Are the Tier 1, 200-Hour Qi Gong Teacher Certification Requirements

To receive your Tier 1 Qi Gong Teacher Certification, here is what you have to do:

First, you must watch the videos and listen to the audio tracks in the 16 week curriculum and participate in all the Qi Gong lessons and meditations within the coursework.

After you complete each module, you are required to pass a quiz before you can continue to the next week’s content.

You can’t teach without having a deep sense of the Qi Gong itself, so before you get certified you’re required to log 58 hours of additional personal practice time… as well as 30 hours of practice teaching with other people.

Finally, to receive your certification, you must complete two one-on-one lessons with our senior instructors, record a 15-20 minute teaching demonstration video, and complete a final written examination.

If it seems like a lot, it is!

We take your certification and ability to teach Qi Gong effectively very seriously. It would take a lot, but you could potentially get certified and start teaching in as little as 6 months, but about 8-10 months is more realistic.

(Oh, and we want to be sure you know: All the materials, resources, and required sessions are included in the cost of the program.)

In Total, When You Join The Holden QiGong Self-Paced Online Teacher Training Program You Get:


Lifetime access to 16 weeks of self-paced course material – over 70 hours of material ($2400 value)


Lifetime access to live group Masterclasses with expert instructors - two per month ($360 value per month)


Lifetime access to one live Q&A call with Lee Holden ($250 value per month)


Lifetime access to the “Masterclass Library”--over 100 Masterclasses (and growing) with senior instructors ranging from business to unique Qi Gong forms (Over $5,000 value)


Two private sessions with our senior instructors ($250 value)


Access to our private, practitioner-only online community (included)


As well as…


Introduction to QiGong Program ($27 value)


Better Breathing QiGong Routine ($27 value)


Qi Gong for Health & Healing ($149 value)


The Five Elements Personality Quiz & Five Element Personality Chart (not available outside the Teacher Training program) ($100 Value)


50% Discount on the in-person Five Elements and Three Treasure Immersions taught by Lee Holden ($1397 value)


That’s a total of $7,958 in program materials and bonuses you get in the first six months alone.

What’s The Investment?

Hey! You made it this far down the page. This probably means you’re relatively interested in the program… or you just scrolled down to see the price. No worries either way. We love you. 

Here’s the thing though: 

Most people have a weird relationship with money. We see something we want to do, something we KNOW we want to do… then we see the cost and we contract. We collapse. We think, “Whoa, that’s a lot of money!” 

There’s nothing wrong with this reaction. It’s a natural experience for almost all of us. 

So, before we get into how much the training costs, we invite you to pause. Slow down. Take a deep breath… and relax. 

Touch base with your own internal energy right now. Are you excited? Are you nervous? 

Just take a moment to see where your energy is. Don’t try to change anything. Just be present with yourself. 

This is our invitation to you:

As you continue reading, stay present with your body. Notice if you stop breathing or you contract. If you do, just ask yourself, “Is this the authentic ‘me’ or is this the part of me that’s afraid of not having enough?” 

Alright, now, let’s look at what it would normally cost to become a Qi Gong teacher.

To attend the required immersions and trainings in-person would mean traveling and spending about $800 on airfare on average.

Then you’d have to cover your food and lodging during your trainings, probably about $2,000. Then you’d have to factor in the cost of taking time off work. Depending on what you do that could mean hundreds or thousands of dollars more “lost.”

And finally, the cost of the trainings themselves and the other costs such as one on one sessions with senior instructors would add up to be about $2841.

In total, if you were to travel, pay for food and lodging, plus the trainings themselves, you’d be looking at about $5,641 to become a Qi Gong teacher at a minimum.

Not too bad, considering you can turn right around and start getting paid to teach!

However, when you join our 200-Hr. Self-Paced Online Teacher Training right now, you get lifetime access to everything you need to become a Qi Gong teacher for only $3997 when you pay in full.

That means for $3997 you get everything you need to become a Certified Holden QiGong Teacher, including $7,958 of program materials, and save about $2,144!

And the best part is: if you’re not ready to start your training, you don’t have to start until you are!

“I would be blind, in a wheelchair, and heading towards an early death.”

“In 2011 I become hospitalized due to Multiple Sclerosis, and suffered from many other ailments from my military service such as, PTSD, herniated disks and depression. As I lay in my hospital bed I asked myself, “What is the best, most positive way to heal myself?” and went to sleep. When I woke up, I turned on the TV, and saw Lee Holden on PBS. He said, “You can do this even seated or laying down.” I felt an immediate wave of relaxation as I followed along, and have not stopped practicing since that moment. I became certified by Lee in 2014, and can not thank Lee enough for sharing his knowledge and expertise. He truly knows authenticity, healing, and self-care. I know if I didn’t find Holden Qigong I would be blind, in a wheelchair, and heading towards an early death. Lee’s teaching has provided me the training to discover the building blocks of my own self care strategies. Now, I help others heal and maintain wellness, and two of my doctors even started sending me referrals. You would be crazy to underestimate the power of Lee Holden or Qigong.”

Crystal M, Ohio

Here’s How To Join The Holden QiGong Self-Paced Online Teacher Training Program:

To join the Holden QiGong Self-Paced Online Teacher Training Program, just click on the button below that says, “Register Now.”

You will be taken to a completely secure page with a checkout form. Just fill out the information requested on the form and click the “Complete Registration” button. You’ll receive immediate access to the course material.

If you do not want to check out online, and would prefer to order over the phone, please call 844-4QIGONG and leave a voicemail with your name and a phone number we can call you back on. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible to complete your purchase.

Have questions? Scroll down to our FAQ.

“I was invited by the wellness program at the college to teach Qi Gong.”

“I took the Five Elements, and finished the Three Treasures Immersion this weekend. It’s fantastic.

I’m attending a community college in Texas… and I have to say this is one of the best curriculums and online programs I have seen even, even through the college!

For anybody that is considering it, I highly recommend it!

[After joining the Teacher Training Program] I was invited by the wellness program at the college to teach Qi Gong. I told them I was just practicing and all that, and now I have a large group of people learning with me, even though I told them I am just getting my certification! But we practice together still. It has been such a great experience.

Q&A Call Participant

“…I already love the teacher training program.”

“Hi team
…I already love the teacher training program. The depth and breadth of the material is more than I expected. Lee’s teaching is excellent and the support team is top notch. I’ve received friendly helpful customer service along the way.

I knew a little about Qigong, enough to know I wanted to study it more deeply, before choosing this course and, of course, anticipated benefits to my own well being, but I’m already experiencing unexpected results from practicing daily over this last month. Numerous times I have been flooded with gratitude for having chosen Holden Qigong.

So thank you all for putting together such a great program.

See you in August!

Angela MacLeod

“I like what Lee has put together best of all the forms I’ve learned!”

“I love Lee’s style of Qi Gong and I have studied with a lot of high level teachers over the years and have to say I like what Lee has put together the best of all the forms I’ve learned!”

Peter C.

“Being  a Trager Practitioner and RN, I encourage my clients to try Holden Gigong and they all have experienced positive changes in their lives.”

“Hello Lee and the Holden Qigong support team,

I want to let you know how grateful I am that I found Holden Gigong on you tube a year ago.  The changes that have occurred have been miraculous. The biggest wow was when after practicing gigong for almost a year I tripped and fell fracturing my shoulder.  When I hit the concrete floor besides my shoulder, I hit my forehead and then rolled onto my back.  I assessed my self and very quickly got to a sitting position and then stood up and walked to my house.  Incredibly I was able to come up from a squatting position with no difficulty. Also no concussion!  My rehab went very quickly gaining normal ROM (range of motion) within 3 weeks and starting strength training at that point all ahead of schedule.  At my age of 60 I can only attribute it to gigong.  Thank you for creating an online teaching certification course as I live in the Northeast and my work schedule/ family has discouraged me from actively pursuing teacher certification. Being  a Trager Practitioner and RN, I encourage my clients to try Holden Gigong and they all have experienced positive changes in the lives.  I am looking forward to becoming a certified teacher and offering the gigong experience to others.

Off to do gigong!

Eternally grateful!

Wendy Tryon, 60, Trager Practitioner and RN

“I was oftimes complimented on the execution of Taijiquan or certain esoteric and difficult Qigong forms.”

I began my Qigong study with Lee in the autumn of 2005 at Five Branches Institute. I completed the Qigong Instructor’s course with him and went on to study Buddha Palm and Six Healing sounds over the following years in workshops with him and GrandMaster Mantak Chia. I was in Hangzhou, People’s Republic of China in 2006-7 and worked out regularly in the parks with hundreds of people doing morning exercises. From the depth and accuracy of Lee’s teaching, I was oftimes complimented on the execution of Taijiquan or certain esoteric and difficult Qigong forms. My praises for Lee Holden have no ceiling. He is Master Holden.

Gene Ervin

Still Have Questions? See If We Can Answer Them Below

Is this a Tier 1, 200-Hour or Tier 2, 500-Hour certification?

This is the Tier 1, 200-hour Holden QiGong Teacher Certification.

After you’ve completed this 200-Hour training, you’re ready to take the next step with our Tier 2, 500-Hour Advanced Holden QiGong Teacher Certification with further, in-person coursework.


What are the requirements for certification?

To receive your certification, you are required to complete 200 hours of training.

Your training will be a combination of online coursework, one-on-one sessions, personal practice, and teaching practice. All the required materials, classes, one-to-one, and product purchases listed are included with your Teacher Training registration.

Your training consists of the following:

    • The Five Elements (40 hours)
    • The Three Treasures (40 hours)
    • Teacher Training Workshop (10 hours)
    • One-On-One – you must complete at least two (2) hours of one-on-one Qi Gong instruction with a Senior instructor. This can be performed either in person or over the internet, assuming your computer and bandwidth support this. Additional sessions are $125/hr. (2+ hours)
    • 30 Hours of Teaching – once you’ve completed the course work, you must now practice teaching for free – either friends and family, or the general public. (30 hours)
    • Additional Training Materials Included – Qi Gong for Health and Healing, Qi Gong Flow for Beginners, The Flow Continues, and Deeper Flow. 20+ hours)
    • Additional Practice/Training – using the Holden QiGong programs of your choice to practice routines along with Lee, including: Immersion Programs (including any repeats, which can be done at half price), Medical Qi Gong, DVDs, Video Class Subscription (up to 15 hours), Live Workshop/Events, or Online Courses (58+ hours)

What can I do with my certification?

Once you are certified, you can start using your official title.

You have the right to call yourself a “Certified Holden QiGong Teacher” verbally, in your teaching, and in print or online (including your marketing and other materials.

You can also begin teaching the Holden QiGong Fundamentals. Which means you have the right to publicly teach the fundamental warm ups, stretches, flows, and meditations that you study deeply during the teacher training.

You also have the right to get paid to teach. You can charge money for classes where you use the Holden QiGong name or methods, provided you teach the fundamentals.

As a bonus, you’ll also get a presence on We’ll add your name and contact information to our online database of Holden QiGong certified teachers, so people can find you on our website! (coming soon)

Finally, you are responsible for maintaining your certification. It’s up to you to continue your training by adding at least 20 hours of Live/Online Trainings every 2 years. Eligible trainings include: Live Workshops/Events, Medical Qi Gong, and/or Immersion Program training. Note: you may also choose to maintain the Video Class Subscription for one year, which will count for up to 10 of these hours.

How quickly can I actually get certified and start teaching?

To complete all of the coursework, materials, training, one-on-one sessions, as well as your practice instruction, we estimate it will take approximately six months to start teaching.

However as the Holden QiGong Teacher Training Certification program is a self-paced program, it is really up to you how long it takes!

What Are My Rights And Responsibilities as a Holden QiGong Teacher?

    • Use Your Title – you have the right to call yourself a “Certified Holden QiGong Teacher” verbally, in your teaching, and in print or online, including marketing and other materials.

• Teach Holden QiGong Fundamentals – you have the right to publicly teach the fundamental warmups, stretches, flows, and meditations that you study deeply during the Level 1 and Level 2 Immersion Programs (Five Elements & Three Treasures).

• Get Paid to Teach – you have the right to charge money for classes where you use the Holden QiGong name or methods, provided you teach the fundamentals.

• A Presence on – we’ll add your name and contact information to our online database of Holden QiGong certified teachers. (coming soon)

• Maintaining Your Certification – you have the responsibility to continue your training by adding at least 20 hours of Live/Online Trainings every 2 years. Eligible trainings include: Live Workshops/Events, Medical Qi Gong, and/or Immersion Program training. Note – you may also choose to maintain the Video Class Subscription for one year, which will count for up to 10 of these hours.

I want to attend an in-person immersion as well, can I get a discount on the in-person course if I'm in the online teacher training?

Yes! You get 50% off any of our Five Elements and Three Treasures immersions until the end of time.

Can I get CEUs for taking this program?

Not at this time.

Is there a payment plan?

Yup, although the cheapest option is to pay in full, there is a payment plan.

You can either pay in full for $3,997, pay in three (3) monthly installments of $1427, or twelve (12) monthly installments of $377.

“I’ve entered another point of accelerated growth and can’t wait for more”

I’m thrilled to be doing this, it’s something I’ve been wanting for a long time, but felt slightly daunting, but now to be offered a teachers certificate … self-paced and lifetime access, what could be better!

Thank you from the bottom of my Tan Tien!

After following Lee for the last 15 years at a pivotal point in my life I feel I’ve now entered another point of accelerated growth and can’t wait for more So to flow through me, and to others.

Thanks and Qi!!


“I don’t plan to be teaching… this is mainly for my own health”


I’ve signed up to do the training but letting you know I don’t plan to be teaching it when I finish.  This is mainly for my own health and to spread the healthy qi word with family and friends.

I’m in Perth, Australia so this is great that you now have created this way of learning.

I found out about your qigong when I went on a meditation retreat about 18 months ago.  They introduced us to your You Tubes at the retreat.  I’m so glad they did.  I started with the 30 days of 7 minutes a day and was so glad when you then had your other series I was able to download.  And now I’ve subscribed to your online classes.

I’ve been doing the 108 moves tai chi for about 3 years but I enjoy your qigong so much more.

I’m really looking forward to testing my brain (which is part of my health issues) and having access to all this amazing qigong information.”

Chele, Perth, Australia

To join the Holden QiGong Self-Paced Online Teacher Training Program, just click on the button below that says, “Register Now.”

You will be taken to a completely secure page with a checkout form. Just fill out the information requested on the form and click the “Complete Registration” button. You’ll receive immediate access to the course material.