By now, most of you know that Qi Gong is a great way to feel relaxed, energized, and balanced.  But, what you might not of have realized is how the practice can be used for inner power and healing.


For new practitioners, the initial point of interest in Qi Gong is often centered around it’s calming and rejuvenating effects. However, delve a little deeper, and one discovers that there’s more to the ancient practice. With continued dedication, many people find Qi Gong to be an intrical part of their healing journeys.


The Qi Gong community is full of stories of individuals who discovered the practice while seeking relief from a specific condition or injury. Many of these people found Qi Gong to be a remarkably effective tool for addressing the concerns that brought them into the classroom. Of course, such individuals usually become committed Qi Gong practitioners.


Described as “the art of preventing illness and prolonging life”, Qi Gong has a long history of helping people lead healthy lives and age gracefully.  Qi Gong can help maximize your own inner potential for health and happiness. This blog post will discuss how Medical Qi Gong can be used as a powerful tool to enhance health and restore vitality.


Further Your Exploration of Qi


Medical Qi Gong is a natural and healthy evolution for any practitioner’s path. Qi Gong is an inquiry into who we are as individuals, and Medical Qi Gong teaches us how to delve deeper into the journey we’ve already started.


Many practices focus on awareness and cultivation of Qi, which naturally increases the body’s internal vitality. Medical Qi Gong takes the practice a step further. It directs our intention to the specific practices that balance our Qi and harmonize our body.


By becoming more sensitive to our internal Qi, we can begin to learn the language of energy. Most people have a difficult time acknowledging what our bodies are telling us, so we dismiss our feelings or try to suppress them. An obvious example is pain or anxiety. Pain is the body’s natural way telling us that something is out of balance, but often we choose to ignore its message. The result is the over-prescription of pain medications, and taking anti-anxiety pills over looking at the root cause of suffering.


As an important part of Chinese Medicine’s system of self-healing, Qi Gong helps us to develop a harmonious relationship with our own body. Instead of viewing our organs as foreign entities in our own body, we can learn to be conscious and aware of what is taking place within. When we’re in sync with all parts of the self, we’re in an empowered position to cultivate our health.


Your Own Preventative Medicine


There is certainly a time and place for western medicine, but we should be very mindful of how we use external forces for our health and well being. Western medicine can be both powerfully effective and dangerously debilitating. We’ve all seen drug commercials with high-speed narration revealing the inexhaustible list of morbid side effects.


Heart attacks, strokes, and liver failure are high prices to pay for reduced pain and anxiety. Even if a medication doesn’t cause a devastating side effect, you’re usually just countering one imbalance with another.


As a part of Chinese Medicine’s system of self-healing, Medical Qi Gong helps us to become our own best Doctor. By developing healing hands, or “hands of light”, a practitioner is able to consciously direct energy to the parts of the body that need it most.


The practice can help restore imbalances and replenish deficiencies. Additionally, it can be a powerful tool for preventative medicine.


It’s much easier to maintain a well functioning engine than rebuild a broken, rusty one. In Chinese Medicine, there is proverb: “Don’t dig your well when you’re dying of thirst, dig it before.” Medical Qi Gong helps us create our own internal well of energy that can fuel us long into the future.


Upcoming Immersion: Buddha Palm and Self Healing


Lee’s “Buddha Palm and Self Healing Immersion” is aimed to help students cultivate powerful practices for health and well being. The immersion will teach participants how to deeply check in with their body, and bring attention to specific parts of their being.


Our body is a complex system, but our consciousness has great potential to realize who we are on a physical level. Rather than turn our health over to an outside authority, these practices help us to take initiative on our own.


Many past participants have left the immersion with a newfound awareness of what is taking place within their beings. The immersion will also empower students with practices to share with friends and family. Working with others can be a great way to amplify one’s own internal energy for mutual cultivation.


“Buddha Palm and Self Healing” is a week-long immersion taking place in Santa Cruz, California. It will run from Monday, July 9th through Friday, July 13th. As a continuous, in-person course, students will have the opportunity to delve into a space of deep learning and expansion.


There’s a lot that is beyond our control in this world, but what happens within your being is not separate from the conscious mind. “Buddha Palm and Self Healing” is an excellent opportunity to explore your body, nurture your health, and prepare for a long, happy life ahead.


To learn more about the upcoming immersion, check out our Buddha Palm and Self Healing Immersion Page.