Today, we have a FASCINATING discovery to share with you! This is unlike any of our previous blog posts that discuss Qi Gong principles and lessons from Lee. Rather, we’re writing this post to share a new and exciting revelation that Lee recently encountered.

Until now, Lee has been resistant to sharing this with anyone other than his immediate family. He’s a humble person and didn’t want to make a big deal about this. However, he also realizes that our Qi community would really appreciate this information.

As most of you probably know, Lee was recently in Dubai where he was training with several renowned teachers, including Dr. Joe Dispenza. As part of a self-discovery practice, one of the exercises required him to take a DNA test to learn more about his ancestry and heritage. As Lee teaches, each of us inherit not just DNA from our past, but also powerful energies that inform our thought patterns, emotions, and way of being. By delving into our ancestral origins in the right environment, it’s possible to overcome blockages and limitations that are transmitted through the generations. It’s a POWERFUL practice, to say the least!

It’s important to note that the DNA test that Lee took is not your common test available to the general public. Rather, it maps DNA recombination frequency changes and connects to a classified DNA database of deceased spiritual leaders in order to identify connections with those from the past. Without going into too much technical detail, let’s just say that this DNA test has the ability to tell you almost anyone you’re related to, even if they lived thousands of years ago

So, what did Lee discover?

Lee is a direct descendant of Lao Tsu! If you’re familiar, Lao Tsu is one of the most esteemed spiritual leaders in Taoism and the author of the Tao Te Ching, which is the essential foundation of Qi Gong. This is an absolutely unprecedented discovery and reveals a profound energetic connection with the ancient master. 

The implications of these test results are significant! Although we each hold our own unique vibration of Qi, frequencies are transmitted through the generations, just as certain characteristics related to health or appearance. In many ways, the Qi frequencies that are transmitted over time are actually more significant than those reflected solely through DNA, as energetic connections only strengthen with time, while DNA mutates and changes. 

This revelation also sheds light on Lee’s recurrent dreams relating back to ancient China. In several instances, Lee has envisioned standing in a beautiful garden while practicing Qi Gong next to Lao Tsu. On more than one occasion, Lee has told friends or family members how there was always something unique about these dreams — how he often felt that there was a special connection between himself and Tao Tsu. In other instances, he’s dreamt that he was standing behind the shoulder of Lao Tsu as the esteemed master sat at his table writing. Even during his Qi Gong classes, Lee has sometimes felt the energetic presence of Lao Tsu guiding his teaching. Now, Lee has an answer for these unique experiences.

Let’s put this DNA test in perspective! How exactly can it tell us that Lee is connected to Lao Tsu?

Recent discoveries (connected to this DNA test) have revealed a line of offspring from Lao Tsu’s children. While no one knows where Lao Tsu died, a couple obscure texts have come to light that point to the tombs of some of his early decedents who lived only a few hundred years after his death. By gathering a DNA sample from these descendants, scientists have been able to add Lao Tsu to this new, classified database that we mentioned above.

To be fair, Lao Tsu probably has many descendants alive today. Based on the calculations, it’s probable that there are about 67,500 people alive today who also are descended from Lao Tsu. While that sounds like a big number, it is still less than .0000084% of the global population today. That means that it is EXTREMELY rare, and it is HUGE deal that Lee is related to him. 

So, how does Lee feel about his new discovery?

Simply put, Lee feels extremely humbled. He’s always revered the ancient master and aspired to embody his teachings, and now it feels even more fitting that he’s been pursuing the path of Qi Gong his entire life. When asked if this new information changes anything, Lee shrugs and says “not really, I already knew who I was.”

Scroll down for some final thoughts.

























































Lee isn’t related to Lao Tsu, and there’s no such thing as a DNA test that maps recombination frequency changes or connects to a classified database (that we know of, at least). However, both Lao Tsu and Lee agree that laughing helps to elevate your Heart Qi, so hopefully this blog post achieved that goal. 

Although there’s no special connection between Lao Tsu and Lee’s DNA, it is true that Lee has always strongly identified with his teachings and shares a kindred spirit as a teacher. The Tao Te Ching continues to be an inspiring piece of work that guides all of Lee’s classes and lessons. 

Given the seriousness that we’ve all been experiencing with concerns about the Coronavirus, we thought it might be nice to add a bit of comic relief on this historically comedic day. If you’ve enjoyed this April Fools blog post, pay the laughter forward and send it to a family member or friend. There are only so many chances we have to trick people with dignity, so we encourage you to have a little fun and let your heart get a quick boost of Qi. 

To your health and happiness,

The Holden QiGongTeam!