Lee Holden’s Top 10 TCM Book Recommendations

There are numerous books out there about Qi Gong and Chinese Medicine. Some focus on foundational concepts and lessons, while others provide thorough ‘how-to’ guides for various practices. When chosen wisely, the right TCM book recommendations can greatly enhance your...

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3 Qi Gong Exercises to Relieve Foot Pain

Your feet are the foundation of your physical being. Like the roots of a tree, they connect you to the earth and provide tremendous support. As such, it’s important to nurture and maintain their health and comfort. Luckily, there are some simple exercises to relieve...

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What Qualifies as Self-Care?

A consistent self-care routine can work wonders in all aspects of your life.  Within your emotional world, self-care can help you cultivate internal strength, allowing you to face life’s challenges with clarity and resilience. In your relationships, it can...

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Lee Holden’s Daily Routine

A healthy daily routine can work wonders. When you create a solid foundation for your day, you feel grounded, inspired, and self-accepting. It’s like having an internal compass that keeps you on track as you navigate the world around you.  Qi Gong practitioners...

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5 Core Benefits of Breathwork

The benefits of breathwork are many. In fact, the way in which you breathe affects every part of your body, which means that there are nearly limitless benefits of healthy breathing. In Chinese Medicine and Qi Gong, we view the breath as your most immediate source of...

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3-Minute Breathing Exercise for Less Stress and More Energy

Because breathing occurs involuntarily, it can sometimes be easy to overlook the various qualities that are present in each breath. Furthermore, because we often don’t pay close attention to how we breathe, it can be difficult to realize the significant role that it...

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What to Do When Qi Gong Doesn’t Feel Good

Qi Gong is always supposed to feel good, right? After all, isn’t that the whole point of the practice? It’s true, Qi Gong is intended to help us feel more centered, alive, and healthy. Therefore, it can sometimes seem surprising when the practice leads to unpleasant...

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