Seven Core Benefits of Qi Gong

From the outside, it’s not entirely obvious what the benefits of Qi Gong are. This is why people who aren’t familiar with Qi Gong sometimes ask us, “What are the benefits of Qi Gong?” It’s a good question. In this blog, we’re going to share seven of the core benefits...

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Stress Management Techniques

Qi Gong is the art of working with your internal energy to improve your state of being. Quite literally, “Qi” means “internal energy,” and “Gong” means “to work with.” In all of Lee’s classes, he focuses on teaching students nourishing practices for personal...

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Lee Holden Sleep Meditation

Night is a sacred time to process the day’s experiences and recharge the body. It’s an opportunity to let go of stress, cultivate gratitude, and gather our energy to rebuild and grow.  In Chinese Medicine and Qi Gong, we view night as the most Yin time of the...

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Lee Holden Guided Morning Meditation

Morning is the time to decide what kind of day you want to create. When you get up and set a clear intention, the world often has a way of supporting you as you go about your daily activities.  You can think of setting intentions as setting the course for a trip....

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Cultivating Energetic Freedom on the 4th of July

What does freedom mean to you? On July 4th, Americans everywhere celebrate our nation’s historic break from foreign military control. With independent minds, humans have a natural tendency to value autonomy and self-rule. We don’t like others telling us how to live...

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Medical Qi Gong Meditation

Your mind is one of your greatest tools for health and healing. Not only does it control your decisions, but it also has the ability to influence many of the processes that take place within your body. You can think of the mind as an orchestra conductor that commands...

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Inner Peace Meditation

One of the most common reasons people practice Qi Gong is to cultivate inner peace. We all like to feel in harmony with ourselves and the world, and Qi Gong is a powerful way to help us experience that state of being. While we all have the capacity to enjoy peace and...

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Three Simple Exercises To Help Relieve Lower Back Pain

Nearly 65 million Americans suffer from back pain — a number that represents about 8% of the adult population. It’s also the sixth most costly condition in the country, leading to billions of dollars in treatment expenses annually. While there are certain conditions...

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