Acupressure Theory and Principles

As one of the Five Branches of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), acupressure is a powerful tool for health and healing. Like Qi Gong, it is a form of ‘healthcare’ that doesn’t require a medical degree, making it easily accessible to anyone who is willing to learn....

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Should Qi Gong Teachers Charge Money?

In the realm of wellness and spirituality, money is a subject that doesn’t always seem to fit properly. On one hand, seeking or asking for money can easily be viewed as a selfish or individualistic pursuit, which obviously contradicts the intention of most spiritual...

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Lee’s Six Herbal Recommendations for Good Health

As one of the Five Branches of Chinese Medicine, herbs can play an important role in health and wellbeing. While Qi Gong allows us to use our consciousness to guide our energy to cultivate vitality, sometimes, it’s important to have a little extra support in our...

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Guided Meditation for More Energy

Who doesn’t want more energy? Whether we’re a student, parent, working adult, or retired person, we all want the vigor and youthfulness to enjoy and succeed in what we are doing. Energy is at the source of all manifestations we experience. Our connections with others,...

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Qi Gong Vocabulary 101

In Qi Gong, we work with a variety of exercises to let go of old energy, bring in fresh Qi, and balance our body’s internal state. By doing so, we’re able to release stress, process our life’s experiences, and cultivate nourishing energy throughout our mind, body, and...

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Angela MacLeod’s Story of Becoming a Qi Gong Teacher

When asked why Qi Gong is important to her, Angela MacLeod responds with confidence and clarity: “It’s the foundation of my life.” Like for so many of Lee’s students, Qi Gong has become a cornerstone of her daily schedule and an invaluable resource for her happiness...

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How to Feel Your Life-Force Energy

In last week’s blog post, we explored the meaning and nature of life-force energy — also known as Qi. We discussed how it was first represented by humans, its relationship with the body and nature, and how people can work skillfully to harness its potential. Today,...

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What is Qi?

What is it that allows life to exist? What is it that separates a living body from one that has passed away? Western medical doctors and scientists can observe clear physiological differences between living and non-living entities, but there are still many mysteries...

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