Two Simple Breathing Exercises for Less Stress

Breathing is our most immediate way to access Qi. With every breath, we’re able to take in life-giving energy that our body needs to function. Throughout the day, most of our breaths occur involuntarily. In other words, we don’t usually think about our breath. It’s...

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What is Beltane and How is it Similar to Qi Gong?

For thousands of years, societies everywhere have held rituals to celebrate the changing seasons and energies of nature. In Qi Gong, this plays an essential role in how we practice and live our lives.  Not surprisingly, many of the seasonal lessons in Qi Gong are...

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4 Core Benefits of Swimming Dragon Qi Gong

Qi Gong allows us to constantly learn from the world around us.  Sometimes, this means paying attention to the universe. Other times it means pausing to listen to the lessons of animals and nature. And then, there are dragons who can also be our guide. Dragons…...

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Three Techniques for Quick Allergy Relief

The season of Spring invites us to celebrate the beauty of nature. For many, it also invites us to make a trip to the drug store to grab an antihistamine allergy medication. Although a hillside of blooming wildflowers is deeply inspiring to look at, the magic of...

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The Qi of Taxes (+ Two Exercises for Relieving Tax Stress)

It’s that time of the year when taxes are due. If you’re like most people, there’s a level of stress and anxiety that accompanies the process of filling out paperwork and giving your money to the government. Not surprisingly, Qi Gong provides valuable tools that can...

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Super Human Baby Born in Santa Cruz, California

On December 13th, 2020, Lee’s partner, Heddy, gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Her name is Harper Rae Holden.  As any parent knows, there is nothing more magical than bringing a tiny new person into this world. Of all the expressions of energy transformation and...

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What Qi Gong Lessons Can the Spring Equinox Teach Us?

Nature is the best Qi Gong teacher. In fact, the study of Qi Gong is essentially the study of nature itself.  At its core, Qi Gong helps us to cultivate the innate wisdom that exists in the natural world. Since nature has many different parts, there are numerous...

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How to Cultivate Feminine Energy (Important for All Genders)

Feminine energy is an essential part of the universe, nature, and of all people. Without feminine energy, all things fall out of balance and become unstable. Qi Gong and Taoism recognize the profound importance of feminine energy. In fact, to a large extent, Qi Gong...

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