Lee’s Three Recommendations for Springtime Activities

Spring is the perfect time to unleash your creativity and allow growth to flourish. In nature, the energies of transformation and rebirth are unfolding everywhere in miraculous and beautiful ways. Whether you walk through a field or sit in the forest, signs of new...

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Do You Qi What I Qi? Four Exercises to Cultivate Healthy Eyes

Our eyes are constantly absorbing the world around us. Whether we’re reading a book or driving a car, they’re tirelessly at work to help us make sense of reality. Although our eyes are one of our smallest organs, they are extremely complex with many intricate parts....

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Three Natural Ways to Boost Energy in Under Three Minutes

When you’re feeling energized, life becomes richer, more inspiring, and full of possibility. Energy allows you to follow through with your intentions and show up as your best self in the world around you.  While there is no shortage of energy in the universe, it’s...

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Lee Answers 13 Common Qi Gong Questions

At Holden QiGong, we commonly receive emails from students asking various questions related to Qi Gong. When we do, we always do our best to consult with Lee and provide thoughtful answers. When a few students ask a question, it’s usually safe to say that there are...

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Three Exercises for Natural Neck Pain Relief

Millions of people around the world suffer from neck pain, causing them intense physical, mental, and emotional discomfort. While there are many approaches to addressing this challenging ailment, some of the most effective remedies are often overlooked In certain...

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One-Minute Exercise for Sciatica Pain Relief

If you suffer from sciatica, you know it can be extremely painful! When that intense burning sensation shoots from your lower back down your leg, you probably want a treatment that is both immediate and effective. There is a vast variety of remedies that people try,...

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Five Core Benefits of Tao Yin

Tao Yin is the common ancestor of Qi Gong and Yoga and combines many of the most valuable benefits of each. While it’s not as widely taught or understood in western culture, the practice has been used for thousands of years to cultivate mental, physical, and spiritual...

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