Qi Gong for Summer

Summer is a time for fun, excitement, action, and love. There’s a reason that many people experience a free-spirited joy during the year’s hottest months. In addition to the halt of academic studies, the season brings a unique energy that fuels passions and liberates...

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A Personal Account of a Qi Gong Immersion

  Taking one of Lee’s powerful immersions is many things: An exploration of self, a reclaiming of power, and broadening of possibilities, just to name of few. In the west, we’re quick to focus on outcome rather than process. While it’s certainly wise to consider...

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Five Reasons to Become a Qi Gong Teacher

    Self-care practices are becoming increasingly popular in the west! More and more, people are learning the value of cultivating their own personal routine for health and happiness. Work, family, and life in general put people under enormous pressure, and...

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Connecting to the Center

What does it mean to be centered? In Qi Gong terms, it signifies having energy in the center of the body. The center is called Dan Tian, which means “elixir field” and a place to store energy. Think of the Dan Tian as a reservoir and a place of inner strength. The Dan...

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Sample Practice: Qi Gong for Better Sleep

  Energy and vitality is a blessing, and a great night’s sleep is an important part of feeling like your best self. Getting good sleep is essential for maintaining health and repairing the body. Simply put, good sleep is good medicine. However, many have a...

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Qi Gong for Better Sleep

In a culture focussed on success, achievement, and productivity, it’s no wonder that so many people have a hard time relaxing and falling asleep. In fact, over sixty-five million Americans are diagnosed with some form of sleep disorder, and many have symptoms that go...

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History of Qigong

The earliest beginnings of qigong are hidden within the mists of antiquity. The first type of this practice probably emerged naturally in the simple fields of ancient China. Slow-paced farmers, deeply attuned to the rhythms of nature, observed ways in which life was...

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