Tools for Leading a Better Life

Discussions about Qi Gong usually revolve around concepts of healing, vitality, and well being. While it often makes sense to start by learning about the theoretical foundation of Qi Gong, it is the lived experience that truly matters. The value of Qi Gong is not...

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Sample Flow Class

 Class focused on the basic principles of Qi Gong – Activate, Warm Up, Stretch, and Flow. Lee brought students through a deep experience of flow and embodied...

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Energies of the Three Treasures

The Three Treasures is a map to life’s deeper meanings.  With so much power and potential within, we often get confused about who we are and our place in this world.  Within each of us lives powerful forces and treasures that govern who we are, how we react, what we...

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Multifaceted Health Benefits of Medical Qigong

Introduction It is a challenge for the Western mind to understand the function of Qi in the context of bodily functions as defined by science. According to Chinese medicine and Qigong theory, Qi has an infinite number of functions in the body. The foundation of Qigong...

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Qi Gong for the Three Treasures

Human beings are complex creatures. Each of us is composed of countless systems and energies that govern who we are. Being conscious of our existence is a miraculous gift that enables us to proactively work to improve and enhance our state of being. Whether for...

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Qi Gong in Brazil

One of the things I love most about teaching Qi Gong is the travel. I met Ely Britto, my Brazilian workshop organizer, in Thailand in 1997 at the ripe old age of 27. At the time, I was facilitating Mantak Chia’s Teacher Training in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Ely was the...

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How Qi Gong Communities Support Health and Happiness

Being alive is no easy task. Decisions, work, finances, relationships, and even holidays can cause stress and anxiety. We cannot control all of the challenges that come our way on a daily basis, but what we can do is choose how we respond to these challenges.  Qi Gong...

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What is Qi Gong

Qi is often translated as life force energy. To the ancient masters, energy was that elusive substance we are all seeking. It is that vital force that makes life exciting, fun, creative, and joyful. Instinctively we know that the more energy we have, the better we...

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[Hawaii Videos] Create Your Own Mini Vacation Every Day

Recently, a friend of mine asked if I wanted to join him on a vacation in Maui…the day after tomorrow. I looked at him with a “Oh come on,” expression. He said, “What do you need to make this happen?” Good questions can be motivating. He said that he already had...

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