Why Medical Qi Gong Is For Everyone

    By now, most of you know that Qi Gong is a great way to feel relaxed, energized, and balanced.  But, what you might not of have realized is how the practice can be used for inner power and healing.   For new practitioners, the initial point of...

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Dan Tian Meditation

Dan Tian, which literally means “cinnabar or red field” refers to focal points of the body that correspond to what the Taoist sages describe as the Elixir Fields. According to legend, the Dan Tian are “palaces of the Gods” in the body. The maintenance of...

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Is Qi Gong a Religion?

Is Qi Gong a Religion? For many, Qi Gong is not only a catalyst for powerful emotional and energetic transformations, but also a spiritual transformation. In Qi Gong, spirit is translated as “shen”, which has many different meanings – consciousness, mind,...

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This Spring, Transform Stress into Vitality

Spring is upon us, and there’s no better time to transform stress into vitality than in the present season. Spring is a time of abundance, creativity, and resilience. In Qi Gong, we’re always following the seasons and harnessing nature’s powerful energies to direct...

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A Conversation with Lee about Qi Gong

Qi Gong is an excellent way to generate more energy and feel your best! Many people are attracted to the relaxed yet energized state that Qi Gong brings. Some discover Qi Gong because intellectually it sounds like an interesting thing to try out. For others, they just...

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The Elemental Energy of Spring

Spring is associated with the Wood Element in Chinese Medicine. Wood reminds us that nature is abundant with energy and new life. Spring is a good time to be creative, to use your imagination in new and innovative ways, to start a new project, to think outside the...

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Qi Gong for Back Pain

Almost everyone in there lives go through back pain. Sometimes it is a quickly passing nuisance and sometimes it’s a chronic everyday hindrance. The classics say, those that conform to softness and flexibility are disciples of life and health, those who are stiff and...

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Qi Gong for Inner Alchemy

  Qi Gong for Inner Alchemy is an ancient Taoist practice designed to help us access the limitless power of the universe that exists within each of us. In Qi Gong, we’re always striving to understand the energies and elements that circulate throughout our minds...

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