How Qi Gong Can Make You a Kinder Person

What inspires a person to be kind to others? It’s easy to notice kindness when you see it, but it’s not always clear where it originates from. While each person is unique, according to Chinese Medicine, there are some common energetic qualities that contribute to...

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Kan & Li Guided Healing Meditation

Western Medicine sends the wrong message about health and healing. It tells you that the healing process is completely beyond your control and that doctors and nurses hold the keys to your healthcare. According to the western medical establishment, all you can do is...

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What’s The Best Time of Day to Practice Qi Gong?

When do you think is the best time of day to practice Qi Gong? The short answer is that it’s always a great time to practice. But if you don’t have time to practice multiple times during the day, you may find yourself trying to decide whether or not you should...

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5 Benefits of Balancing Your Yin and Yang

Have you ever heard the expression, “Too much of a good thing is a bad thing?” When you think about it, this truth is self-evident.  Everyone knows that food is essential for life, but overeating can lead to significant health issues. Similarly, spending time by...

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The Year of the Water Rabbit: What it Means for 2023

Each Chinese new year brings new lessons, and this one invites you to welcome the wisdom of the Water Rabbit. If you pay attention, you can harness the year’s powerful gifts of intuition, patience, diplomacy, and more. The Rabbit shows up every twelve years, but...

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